Login for Partners – O-CCX EYEWEAR

GOOD NEWS: The O-CCX-Eyewear Collection

Fair novelty

With the O-CCX Eyewear collection, you get an innovative eyewear collection that convinces with its perfect fits on the face. In addition to the good fit, it surprises with its great variety of colors.

All glasses are also available as made-to-measure. Employees can easily configure and customize the made-to-measure glasses themselves via the associated app.

Glasses made to measure

The made-to-measure glasses are not only a perfectly fitted unique piece, but also reflect the personality of the spectacle wearer. O-CCX EYEWEAR offers various forms of glasses, which are subordinated to the following virtues: faithful, loving, unwavering, fair, reliable, courageous, brave, resting, flawless, moral and tolerant. With this spectrum, the advice becomes interesting and understandable.

Feel free to request a free initial appointment and information about our learning modules.

At the forefront of digitalization

You receive a digital advisor (chatbot) for your website on request. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing make a fast and competent online consultation of the customer possible. The interactive online glasses test makes the search for glasses exciting and interactive for your customers. In the online test, the customer is asked a few questions about his personal preferences and at the end he is suggested glasses models that fit his type.

For every face and every type the right glasses

Our Brand Movie

About us

In 1995 Peter Meyer founded the optician and eyeglass store Optik Peter Meyer in Osnabrück. This is available with its expertise for any questions on the subject of good vision and good looks.

In line with the credo “Seeing the difference”, the 25 employees set themselves the task of finding the right glasses for every face simply and effectively. This is how the idea of the brand O-CCX EYEWEAR was born. With the philosophy “Your glasses are like you!” the eyewear design focuses on the personality of the wearer.

Conclusion: With O-CCX EYEWEAR glasses you do not join the price war. Promised. The VKs are constantly monitored by us with all partners.

The next steps

1. Register

In the form below, we ask a few questions to get to know you better. This will allow us to prepare individually for our initial face-to-face meeting.

2. Personal interview

Here we talk about your open questions and your potential. Together we will see if O-CCX EYEWEAR is the right for you and your optician business.

3. Possible cooperation

If both sides realize that a cooperation makes sense, we show you the next steps to implement O-CCX EYEWEAR as an innovative concept in your business.

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